TAC-ZombieGear is Unique-AR’s Dealer of the week
Unique-AR’s is a proud American-made company. Mostly manufacturing in custom handguards for the AR-15 platform we also manufacture handguards for the AR Airsoft rifle. Producing AR Airsoft accessories expands the horizon of selling worldwide and that brings TAC-ZombieGear to the top of our Dealer of the Week list. Their website mostly consists of premium quality of items related to survival games.
TAC-ZombieGear is a dealer doing a great job of getting the word out about the 34 different handguards we manufacture. Yutaka Goto, the owner of the TAC-ZombieGear, recently attended a two-day military event with over 1400 folks attending and display our handguards. The reaction was amazing coming from the Japanese fans.
TAC-ZombieGear’s received amazing positive reactions from the event and is set to be published in a Japanese Military Magazine.