Tag Archives: custom AR15
The Arms Guide: Unique-ARs
At the last SHOT show, the Arms Guide was able to stop by our booth [...]
Katie Lynn’s first Shot Show
2017 was my introduction to Shot Show, the biggest Firearms convention nationwide. To give an [...]
Katie Lynn interviewed by The Late Boy Scout
With the end of SHOTshow 2017 comes the reviews and videos of the products seen [...]
Shot Show 2017 with Katie Lynn
Our friends at Biggunner 81 stopped by our booth to conduct a quick interview with [...]
New Year…New Rifle
What better way to bring in the new year, than with a new rifle!? Our [...]
The Immortal Emotep
Have you had that one animal in your life you will never forget? We came [...]
The Desert Rose
Guns and Tactics has done it again. Here is a great article featuring one [...]
Made Right Here in ‘murica
Do you look for any of these labels on the products you purchase? Are they [...]
Looking for a Sling Attachment?
We have added a new product to our growing list of offerings. This is [...]
Private Label Molon Labe
You have heard, “Molon Labe.” It can be loosely translated “Come and Take It.” We [...]