I’m sure that many of us can remember a time not too long ago when Thanksgiving was a day to kick back, watch some football, and to enjoy the presence of family and friends while experiencing the most anticipated dinner of the year. That’s just not the case anymore. Last year my family had just about finished Thanksgiving dinner when a few cousins ran out the door equipped with winter coats, shopping lists, and the determination to buy as many sale items as possible. Given the fact that many family members had come such a long way to spend time with them, everyone was a little more than aggravated. It was insanity!
Black Friday doesn’t start on Friday anymore, but rather the moment someone’s fork is set down. And that isn’t even the worst part! Many consumers hold out on shopping until they can [potentially] get the crazy deals that only the big box stores are able to offer. “Thirty-five percent of shoppers say they intend to do most of their shopping on Black Friday this year…” (USA Today) This leads to local businesses feeling the stress of losing sales and even customers. Retail employees are forced to forfeit their family dinner and attempt to handle the chaos that many shoppers bring with them. Humanity is lost on Black Friday.

This year you should consider going out to shop on the Saturday after Black Friday, which has come to be known as “Small Business Saturday”. Many small businesses will pool together to offer any and all sales for their shops. You’ll not only be helping small businesses, but also your community. According to American Express CEO Ken Chenault, “Small businesses create half of the jobs in the private sector.” (Forbes) That is a lot to consider. Another perk of shopping local is that you won’t have to delegate your family members to different department stores with multiple credit cards and lists. Many towns have a “downtown” that is chalked full of great boutiques and one-of-a-kind stores that are all within walking distance from one another.
We especially hope that you’ll get out there and support your local gun store! Firearms and accessories make for unique gifts, and there’s no better time to surprise a loved one with some new toys than Christmas! Unique-ARs is proud to support our dealers all over the country. Who else is going to supply the gear you need?!
As wonderful as buying a new TV for under $200 sounds, it’s not worth the stress that comes with fighting the crowds & long lines. Spending time with kin and kicking back this Thanksgiving is a great way to revamp family tradition. Reschedule your shopping spree to help support local businesses and to avoid the chaos that ensues.