Tag Archives: custom color
Unique-ARs 2017 Cerakote-Off
2017 Cerakote-OFF Presented By Unique-ARs Unique-ARs would like to announce we are sponsoring a friendly [...]
10 Year Olds First Unique-AR
10-Year Olds First Unique-AR Nikki is 10 years old and owns her first AR. Nikki assisted her [...]
Unique-AR’s makes it to Japan
TAC-ZombieGear is Unique-AR’s Dealer of the week Unique-AR’s is a proud American-made company. Mostly manufacturing in custom handguards [...]
Unique-ARs Handguards Showcased on American Outdoors
Unique-ARs Handguards are going to be showcased on American Outdoors channel a couple different times [...]
Unique-ARs Fan Friday 3/31/17
Some more fantastic builds from some of our great customers. Fan Fridays are all [...]
Gun Sales are Down… Every Day is a 5-Star Day for Unique-ARs Handguards
Unique-ARs manufacture designer hand guards for the AR-15 platform. We provide high-quality products that blend [...]
Safe firearm handling and storage practices are working!
The National Safety Council recently released a report regarding the likeliness of a person dying from [...]
Unique-ARs and Black Rifle Coffee Company Getting Sh*t Done
Coffee is on the same level of importance as aluminum when it comes to producing [...]
“This build is in honor of my boy Hudson.” Unique-ARs customer story
This build is by far closest to my heart… Part love story, part heartbreak… “This [...]
Talking Lead Podcast
During SHOT show 2017, Unique-ARs Co-Owner Mike, sat down with the fellas at Talking Lead [...]